About Us

We are Xperienz

Research is our core

And it’s in all key stages of our process, giving us the insights we need to solve the most complex problems and designing the best solution to fix them. A solution that will meet our clients’ business goals and exceed their users’ expectations.

We make the world easier to use

By combining research, innovation and user-centred design we create groundbreaking solutions and easy-to-use products.

That’s what we are passionate about. That’s what drives us.

About Us

Up and running
since 2005
  • 2005, Jun Xperienz is born
  • 2010, Mar 1st office space
  • 2010, May UXLx first edition
  • 2010, Nov 2nd office space
  • 2014, Jan 3rd office space
  • 2015, Jun Certified training company
  • 2017, Jul New office space and
    Research Lab
  • 2019, Mar Member of UXFellows
  • 2019, May 10 years of UXLx
  • 2020, Jun 15-year anniversary
  • Today Working on great design solutions

We create meaningful digital experiences

We’ve become Portugal’s top UX consultancy not by settling for the obvious but by doing what sets us apart.

Full service throughout the process

From research, to design, validation and development our dedicated team handles every step of the process, always working together with you.

Field research worldwide

Besides running research in our state-of-the-art lab, we can conduct research anywhere in Portugal or in the world.

Research applied to design

By deep diving into your business and user base, we obtain valuable insights that will help us to design the right solutions.

Complex systems applied to any platform

No matter the complexity of the system we design, we can make it work in any platform - desktop or mobile.

Develop the solution

After designing the solution our front-end team turns static designs into interfaces that not only look great but work great on both desktop screens and mobile devices.

Leaders in UX training

To share our love for UX we started UXLx, the largest UX training event in Europe, and we offer certified UX training to design teams at Xperienz School.

Helping brands worldwide
stepping up to their game

We work with large enterprises and growing businesses all across the world, helping them offer top-notch services and delivering the best digital experiences.

  • +0 successful projects
  • +0 clients from 13 different countries
  • +0 user test sessions
  • +0 focus groups
  • +0 contextual interviews

Skilled and experienced team

We are creative designers, thorough researchers, insightful strategists, and exceptional developers. When given a tough challenge we call all hands on deck and we work together to deliver the best experience for both you and your clients.

We’re critical thinkers

In our everyday lives we see the little inefficiencies and dream about the day we’ll be able to fix them.

We’re naturally curious

We see the world with different eyes and we’re passionate about finding out what makes people do what they do.

We keep on learning

We discuss ideas, share new knowledge and evolve daily. In conferences and workshops we learn new ideas and techniques that we carry to our daily work.

We move fast yet efficiently

No matter the project we take on, we always deliver on-time and efficient solutions. We never settle for good enough.

The perfect place to create the perfect solutions

Our open-space room allows us to work closely together and when we need a break to fuel up we head to our comfortable lunch room.
We continually improve our skills and for that we take advantage of our extensive library with the latest design publications.
We have our own research facilities, which include fully-equipped Observation and Research Rooms.