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July 22, 2024
Choosing an overlay is just a band-aid solution, and shows a true disregard for users with disabilities. Instead, we need to work towards a mentality where websites, apps and other digital products are designed and coded with accessibility in mind from day 1.
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March 18, 2024
The ways humans interact with technology has evolved significantly over the decades — and it’s still constantly evolving. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NPL) has brought to light a new way of interaction — prompts.
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January 11, 2024
Emerging technologies and tools constantly influence the way people use the Internet and interact with digital products. And as user behaviours and preferences evolve, designers must keep up with new tools and solutions to deliver interfaces and user experiences that cater the needs of an ever-demanding audience.
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December 18, 2023
Millions of people who live with a disability struggle to access important information online because websites and apps are built with major content and technological barriers. And insurance websites are not an exception.
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December 7, 2023
In the banking and financial industry, accessibility is about empowering everyone, including people with disabilities and the elderly, to enjoy bank's products, services and facilities, by making them convenient and easy to use.
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November 6, 2023
9 November is World Usability Day 2023. This year's theme is Collaboration and Cooperation, which intents to focus on how we can work together to create solutions, both globally and locally, to solve the world's biggest problems.